Unfortunately not all projects made it to the production stage.
We had developed many cool, risky and innovative proposals for tenders of such brands as Acronis, Acuvue, Ahmad, Ardalin, Aviasales, Bacardi, BORK, Calve, Clear Vita Abe, Cornetto, Essa, Fererro, Jaguar, Jacobs, Lays, Land Rover, Lipton, Magnum, OBI, OneTwoTrip, Palette, Pepsi, Picnic, Raffaello, Rexona Men/Woman, Schauma, WimmBillDann, XLS Medical, Авилон, Агуша, Адамас, Аленка, Афлубин, Барьер, Билайн, Донстрой, Кальций Д3 45+, Лазолван РИНО, Лактацид, Молочная Культура, Пенталгин, Петелинка, Превалин, Ростелеком, Рупафин, Спортмастер, Сайленс Форте, МосЦветТорг, Экзо.